Here's what's inside the game...

Mine for Ore
Mines, caves, realms and planets all have different types of ore. Forge countless weapons & armour at the forge with your ores!
There's so much to discover on Penguin3D. Mines, caves, towns, islands, mountains, realms and even space itself lie ahead of you.
Dress Up
Dress your penguin with a huge amount to pick from. Buy clothes in the shop and discover free hidden clothes all around the game.
Decorate your Igloo
Endless possibilities await your igloo with the igloo system. Place furniture & rotate them however you want with unlimited copies!

Forge Weapons & Armor
Using ore mined in mines and caves, go ahead and forge your very own swords, axes and armours with the in-game /forge.
Fly to Space
Take off in the rocket ship and enter space itself. Explore the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Mars and the ISS!
Explore The New World!
Enjoy the vast stretches of the ancient realm of Beleriand, featuring six separate kingdoms with lore, join in with the developing situation.
Penguin3D Movie Episode 7!
Watch as Eiven, Kutya and Warth embark on a journey which could be their last... And what will happen to Rouge, Fable, Majorhalo and Raymond in captivity?>> Watch on YouTube Now!<<
Fishing and Trade!
Trade with your friends as well as with merchants around the game. Fish to get gold, health or even a cool aquarium.
Wrath Caves
The wrath caves on Dorval is full of evil and darkness. Train your skills there in combat and hatred if you fight for the dark one, Pythas.
Stone Isle
Explore new island, the Stone Isle, where the Stone King, Aule rules. Ask to join 'the stone army' and fight evil if you want to support the heroes.
New Penguin 3D Movie Episodes!
Watch the new Penguin3D Movie Episodes and follow the story which YOU can be part of! Like comment and subscribe.
>> Watch on YouTube Now!<<
Buy Powers & Ores!
Empower your penguin with things like jump, speed, health regeneration, extra health, size and more.
Click here:
POTM Ceremonia
Saturday 31st October 5 PM EST / 9 PM GMT @ /jr thronescourtyard ... Who will win?
2 Year Anniversary Party
Two years ago, Penguin3D was released in October 2018. Now, in October 2020, we will celebrate the second birthday of the fun world of P3D. There are new items to be discovered and some other updates.
Como conseguir un jetpack / How to get a jetpack
Take to the skies
Fly anywhere, north, south, east and west on the new aviation update
The Sky Awaits...
Coming soon, keep checking! A new island as well as a new way of travelling is coming to Penguin3D!
Swimming Pool & New Items!
Check out the new swimming pool, items and cave! You can get there by going to the Thrones Courtyard!
Go to space! Ir al espacio!
Buy a space suit, space helmet and take off from the Launch Station to go to space! ¡Compre un traje espacial, un casco espacial y despegue de la estación de lanzamiento para ir al espacio!
Discover the New Update
P3D has just got a new update where you'll find new items, weapons and secrets.
The Fires of Rage
The rage of Penguin3D has been born: the realm of inferno. Seek the way to the focus crystals and the torrent of flame to unlock some of the most powerful items in the game.
Don't be afraid
Be brave and face the hardest parcours on Penguin3D. The Guardian Realm, home to the radium beam, a concentrated light source capable of producing immense power. Can you unlock its power? (Clue in the photo)
1 Year Anniversary!
Check out the upcoming 1 year anniversary update:
Ships and Boats! Se un marinero
You can now sail boats and ships from the Dock in Penguin3D :) There are boats around the island to discover too.
Sled Racing & More Updates!
Penguin3D is getting more enhancements this month with a new and improved map with sled racing. We also plan on making a giant piano in the stage, a soccer field and NPCs.
Radium Portal
A Radium portal has opened on Providence Island's radioactive seashore.
It leads to a hellish radioactive wasteland riddled with deathtraps but many powerful prizes...
Join Forums!
Come and join our community forums at
Pet Shop!
Adopt pets at the Pet Shop in the Plaza! When you adopt, they go to your igloo and you can ride on them around the game! Be careful to not let anyone steal your pets!
Juego para niños! / Child Friendly!
Somos amigos de los niños! Si no lo eres, te prohibiremos!
We are a child friendly game! If you aren't, we will ban you!
(Swords are child friendly in 2019)
Want to help moderate Penguin3D?
Apply in here: / Cárcel
New! Jail. Moderators and Knights can now send you to jail for breaking the rules!
The command: /jail. To arrest: /arrest (username), to release: /release (username)